FAQ on Jobs

Simply send an email with your resume attachment to kbschennai@kbsconsultants.com Do not forget to mention your skill set and the position applied for in the subject line of your email. We will get back to you with job openings most suited to your skills and experience.

Our services are absolutely FREE for the candidates. You do not have to pay anything at all for registration of your resume. We do all the hard work for you AT NO COST whatsoever. Click Here Tips on Resume registration

We have job opportunities at different locations with our clients both within India and outside. Our clients are in constant touch with us for their requirements from time to time. Some of the important locations are Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai and Pune within India.

Outside India, our clients are located in
Europe: UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Ital
Middle East: Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Muscat, Saudi Arabia and Africa.
Far East: Singapore, Malaysia, HongKong, China, Japan and in Australia.

Yes. Sales, Marketing, Pharmaceutical, ERP functional, Domain Specialists, Hospitality, Telecom, Freight Forwarding, Law and Administration are some of the areas where we have requirements. And because of the close rapport we maintain and prompt services that we render, our clients are regularly sending us new requirements.

There are possibly two reasons for this question.

a) The subject line of your email is blank or vague and therefore your resume does not get short listed when we search our data bank. The instances of vagueness in the subject line are typically "job", "resume", "text resume", "resume submission", "Application", "Application for suitable post", "resume for jobs", "resume for suitable opening", "IT Professional", "Engineer Job", "resume of Sankaran", "KBS Consultants", "Attention: Sankaran".

Our recommendation for the better way of filling up the subject line would be "SAP-MM - Functional Consultant", "Mainframe - CICS, Cobol - Analyst Programmer", "Java Analyst Programmer - J2EE", "Linux Programmer - Kernel Experience", "System Administrator - Unix, C++ - 5 years", "Websphere Developer", "Insurance Domain Expert - 5 years experience", "Civil Engineer - Highways Constructions", "Mechanical Engineer - Project Manager", "Project Manager - ERP Implementation", "Oracle Manufacturing Consultant - 3 Implementations", "Marketing - Consumer Durable", "Marketing - Office Automation Products", "Marketing - Industrial Products", "Marketing - IT Solutions" " SWML" "SeeBeyond" "e*Gate" "EAI - Egate SeeBeyond" "Peoplesoft - HRMS functional consultant- Payroll" "Peoplesoft Technical Consultant - 5 years - big 5 - " It is therefore important that the subject line of your email is properly filled up specifying your skill set and the position applied for. To aid this process in most of our web pages in http://www.jobsearchworld.com/ we have facilitated the subject line to be filled up automatically by clicking the email links.

or b) Our clients have not short listed your resume for the position.

It is true that sometimes we are unable to immediately respond to all the candidates who have forwarded their resumes to us. However, when the resume suits the opening with our clients, we work on the resumes and forward it to our clients. In order to be active on our search list, please forward your resume at regular time intervals. And don't forget to update the subject line of your email. It is our endeavor to service the candidates and to find them suitable jobs.

Absolutely Yes! This will include special Technical skills and Language skills. Special skills in modules, technology or tools and language skills win more jobs today.

Some of the special requirements that we have are posted on our website. And in most cases the requirements are urgent. So we need to forward the resumes to the client within deadlines. Most of the requirements have been closed by our clients only because of the subject line search for specific and special skills. We are living in a changing world. To be dynamic Be in touch with us. By visiting us Jobsearchworld.com more often you will be able to look at new opportunities This will be useful in serving you better. See some of the links on our website. When you see links for Links Special Skills Navision

By language skills, I mean proficiency in languages such as Japanese, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, French etc. Please mention Certification, Courses, Level of Proficiency.

Software Services

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